

According to John Gray. Falling in love is always magical. It feels eternal, as if love will last forever. We naively believe that somehow we are exempt from the problems our parents had, free from the odds that love will die, assured that it is meant to be and that we are destined to live happily ever after.


Imagination is the power of the mind to create and form patterns of images using the mind’s eye. “To know is nothing but to imagine is everything” In split seconds a poor man can be living in a gold mansion in his mind, in your mind’s eye you are able to form and shape things in any way that pleases you.

A Good Day To Live Life.

LIVE LIFE EVERYDAY Life i know means alot of things to different people, some people see life as being hard and death being peaceful.Life sure is complicated only because you are complicated and can be stressful if your not a planner....

YOLO: You Only Live Once.

you only live once, has become a common slang 2day....although its meaning being misused or should i say some people just tend to have that talent for justifying irrational acts smoothly and so with a general truth. But that still doesn’t make the correctness of this phrase any less true. Okay very agreeable and important: the concepts of futuristic thinking and preparations but yet excessiveness can turn even the most noble acts 2 unwelcome deeds. Life is not meant to be endured but enjoyed


"One random act of kindness at a time" Kindness i believe begins from a persons attitude 'attitude is everything'........To be kind is to operates on the second greatest law which is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Kindness is to be of good behavior, to want good things to happen to people, to be out to satisfy people's need according to your abilities, to be helpful, to be humane, to be lovely and affectionate, a kind person cares, a kind person is a cheerful person

Nov 17, 2013

Picture Of The Day: Famous Failures

If you've never failed, you've never tried anything new.

Nov 4, 2013


Imagination is the power of the mind to create and form patterns of images using the mind’s eye.

“To know is nothing but to imagine is everything”

In split seconds a poor man can be living in a gold mansion in his mind, in your mind’s eye you are able to form and shape things in any way that pleases you.

Surprisingly most people in our part of the world tend to use their imaginations below its capacity and are unable to achieve great things.

We pray for things with our mouth and our minds are not picturing it, most people ask for what they don’t imagine. If you take a camera and snap a picture, it is what is on the memory card that is printed out. So we make sure the picture is as clear and beautiful as possible infact this days pictures are photoshopped with tight effects ;) in the same way, what is in your imagination is what reflex’s outside so it’s advisable that you photoshop your imagination also.

Nov 2, 2013

Necessary Evil

You know, some times when I think of it I’m led to think that the powers of good are inferior to that of evil. Stay with me now, let’s reason together. You would agree with me if I should label hate as evil and love as good. Love; We are trained to think of it as though there was nothing worth having without it or that there is nothing worth having which it could not bring with it. Now hate which no man is meant to teach comes on its own. Now it is true that when we say “I love you” it may be received with doubt, there are times that it’s just hard to believe but try the opposite, say I hate you and its received and believed instantly, once and for all. Say I love you after that a thousand times and mean it every time; it will still not wipe out the smug left by the previous proclamation of hate.

Oct 19, 2013

Quotes: Be Inspired

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt, This is My Story

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Oct 17, 2013


Sometimes i get like this, like right now. (-_-) and just the other times what keeps me on track are the music tracks on my playlist...Getting high with good music.

Oct 14, 2013

Karma Is A B*tch

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” this is known as Newton’s third law of motion. It is also known as the law of Karma in matters concerning life issues. I know so many people would have heard of this well known statement “Karma is a bitch” The question now is this. Is karma really a bitch??
Before I go into this law properly I’ll like to bring out a point from this statement: “Karma is a bitch and she never forgets” my point here is the latter part which is SHE NEVER FORGETS.
 Since Karma is the same as Newton’s third law which is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction this means that for everything good or bad you do today there is going to be an equal and opposite reaction in the future [(Good <---> Good)__(Bad <--->Bad)]. For every good deed you do today you’re going to get your reward tomorrow. If you dedicate your all to the love for humanity and nature no matter what happens in your life tomorrow you will be happy and fulfilled. Remember SHE NEVER FORGETS.

Oct 9, 2013

Quotes: Music

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”
― Bob Marley

“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”
― Victor Hugo

Oct 8, 2013

Facebook Madness

Someone said  “To be popular on facebook is like sitting on the best chair in a mental asylum”
I just taught of that saying as just one of those sayings until recently when I got to see one of the major reason why that statement was made…………The things some boys/men do on facebook is a thing which is disturbing to me as I recall on my experience, if every guy would just do things like normal human beings maybe some certain group of people wouldn’t behave the way they do. Oh well I’ll share my experience with you.
I was sitting at work once upon a time and I was surfing the net with my laptop when Semira came to me and she said, please could you help me login my facebook account my aunt called to say she sent me a request and it’s been a week now.

Oct 3, 2013

The Three Categories

Its been a while, i was suppose to drop this piece sometime ago but things didn't go according to plan i guess......Anyway Hello, I've got the King's picture from the chess game over here to use for the first category i have in mind........And so I begin;

Sep 29, 2013

Naruto Episode 332

Yes its Naruto episode 332 with lots of action from Madara and the five Kages

To download click here

Meanwhile alot is happening in the Manga also, i'll leave you guys with a few pages after the cut.......