
Nov 2, 2013

Necessary Evil

You know, some times when I think of it I’m led to think that the powers of good are inferior to that of evil. Stay with me now, let’s reason together. You would agree with me if I should label hate as evil and love as good. Love; We are trained to think of it as though there was nothing worth having without it or that there is nothing worth having which it could not bring with it. Now hate which no man is meant to teach comes on its own. Now it is true that when we say “I love you” it may be received with doubt, there are times that it’s just hard to believe but try the opposite, say I hate you and its received and believed instantly, once and for all. Say I love you after that a thousand times and mean it every time; it will still not wipe out the smug left by the previous proclamation of hate.

Love needs to be learned and perfected over time but hate; it needs no learning period, just waiting to be provoked. So then I ask how is it that a drop of wrong can poison a river of good and yet a hundred buckets of good can do little or nothing to a river of wrong. Lately I’ve been doing some reading in the field of psychology and I go to know that for every emotional feeling, there has to be a counter, a balance. There is no one feeling that does not have a counter and in any case where a person is incapable of having a counter, it becomes an issue. So there is that necessary evil; hate, anger, sadness, defeat, sorrow, and lots more. Even nature knows the rule; earthquakes, tsunamis, flood and the likes of them.
As humans we are superior. Superior intellectually, and with this comes the ability to manage and contain these necessary evils.

Written by francis xavier anesathus.... Visit Blog


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